We. Are. Family!

Whew! What a whirlwind life has been lately! I'm so blessed!

While my focus is typically on weddings, I do make exceptions every now and again, especially for family. I have spent a lot of time with my family lately, particularly photo time, and I'm so excited about it! It's one of the best parts of having a large family!

First up, my sister Catherine's maternity photos. My nephew was not in the mood for pictures. At all. But a little time, and a lot of coercing, finally paid off in a fun, candid way.

Then, my other sister, Laurie, and I spent some quality picture time with my nephews. They were total hams! It may have been the Slurpee they were promised if they smiled... lol

Finally, my little brother's senior photos! I can't believe he's graduating in 3 months! Ah! Congrats, Joseph! I'm so proud of the young man you've become!