My Amazing Hubby, Sean

Sean and I met in 2010 and he’s been my biggest support system throughout all my decisions. He is calm, spontaneous, and silly. The perfect balance to my organized, list-making self. He’s the sweet to my tea and I can’t imagine a day without him by my side.


My Amazing Children, Eleanor and Henry

This amazing miracle is my rainbow baby, Eleanor. She was hand-picked by her two angel siblings and sent to us (with a little help from science!) after three long years of hope and trust. She is charismatic, loving, and curious. She loves to dance and eat, just like her Mommy!

Her partner in crime is the most wonderful surprise we could have ever asked for - Henry! He joined our family only 16 months after Eleanor. Life with 2 under 2 was the most beautiful chaos! He loves climbing everything, eating fruit, and anything while wheels. They are the best of friends!


My Super Supportive Family

I have a very. big. family - 8 siblings and 8 nieces and nephews. We don’t take ourselves too seriously and can usually be found in the kitchen playing a competitive game of NERTS. Bonus points if you know how to play!

We’re loud, crazy and Italian and we love to feed everyone who stops by. We are spread all over the country, but most of us are right here in Virginia. I live 10 minutes from my sister and 20 minutes from my mom.


The Best Friends Anyone Could Ask For

Although they aren’t family by blood, these people mean the world to me and I consider them family all the same.

My three oldest friends stood by me at my wedding. I’ve known one since middle school, one since high school, and the third since college.

My work friends are my rock! They understand how tough teaching can be and are always ready to step in to support me on my rough days and celebrate on my good days. Thankfully, with this group, most days are good days!